WabiSabi Coordinator for Wasabi Wallet / BTCPay / Trezor

With this community batched transaction coordinator we can save on transaction cost by bundling our input and outputs in one single large transaction. A byproduct of batched transactions with same-size outputs is forward spending privacy, you can't deterministically link previous inputs with any of the same sized outputs that now have anonymity-set > 1. Read more about the WabiSabi protocol.


User error (registration over clearnet without Tor) or malicious coordinators can lead to loss of UTXO privacy: Vulnerability Report
Always update to the latest Wasabi Wallet version when possible and do your own research!

Coordinator status & history:

Check CoinJoin round status

Check CoinJoin rounds history on LiquiSabi

Change Coordinator,
works from v2.3.0+ of Wasabi Wallet:

Simply open Wasabi Wallet, copy the magic string below and go back to Wasabi Wallet.

Check if the Coordinator URI matches
Click on Yes

Restart Wasabi Wallet after saving

Now you are ready to Batch Transactions with the Noderunners Batched Transaction Coordinator!

Simply open your wallet, receive funds you'd like to CoinJoin and press the play button to start!

🕶️ Privacy can be a side-effect of batching your transactions 🕶️

For older Wasabi Wallet versions, Change your Wasabi Wallet Config File:

Paste the line above in your config file so it looks like this:

"Network": "Main",
"MainNetBackendUri": "https://api.wasabiwallet.io/",
"TestNetBackendUri": "https://api.wasabiwallet.co/",
"MainNetCoordinatorUri": "https://coinjoin.nl",
"RegTestBackendUri": "http://localhost:37127/",
"UseTor": true,
"TerminateTorOnExit": false,
"DownloadNewVersion": true,

Restart Wasabi Wallet after saving

Or find Noderunners Coordinator using Kukks WasabiNostr tool and directly set it here:

These are the parameters for Batched transaction rounds of the Noderunners Coordinator:

Notice that the Fee is set to 0%, so you will only pay your fraction of the mining fee! No coordinator fee.

Trezor Suite - Hardware Wallet WabiSabi signing (advanced)

With a small trick it is possible to use your Trezor (model T and newer) as a signing device that can more safely hold large amount of bitcoin to be CoinJoined with the Noderunners Coordinator. This has been tested with Trezor Suite for Desktop version 24.7.2 on Debian 12 and MacOS, I advice Windows users to use a virtual machine with Debian 12.
Start Trezor Suite in a terminal (commandline) with the following custom arguments:

Example for Debian (or VM Debian on Windows) to paste in terminal

On Windows you should forward the USB device into the VM, so the Trezor can talk with Trezor Suite in the VM. This might require installing the additional Extension Pack.

Example for MacOS to paste in terminal

You will need to create a new Coinjoin account (+ button next to Search) after your Trezor is connected to Trezor Suite.
After that you can send funds to this Coinjoin account and press Start (green play button) to pre-approve a certain number of CoinJoins with a maximum fee-rate.

Approve the CoinJoin's (check max rounds and max feerate) on the Trezor hardware wallet and let it do it's magic while you enjoy life!

Once you've joined a Noderunners Coordinator CoinJoin the bitcoin will be marked as ✅ Private
and are ready for non-KYC spending or hodling✊💎✊

To prevent joining high mining fee CoinJoin's you can set a maximum mining fee under Details -> Custom -> Max mining fee.